Wednesday, February 17, 2010


the whole world is against me
there's all these rules, lines,
and terms that every mother fucker
with a name tag on has me agreeing
to. everything is online. EVERYTHING.
i hope to see you someday starving
in the desert to which you ask "may
I have a drink," to which I will
reply "no you stupid fuck, you gotta
go on the internet on a wednesday
or friday only between the hours
of 8am and ten am and reserve the
bottle even thou the water is right
in front of your stupid ass face."
its a crock of horse shit. everyone
is scared of breaking the rules
that someone else made only for
the purpose of being "above" you.
well congratulations you are
officially an idiot by moral and
logical standards. that's the word
I was looking for. LOGIC. this all
defies LOGIC. the bar is the only
place left that understands the
general ideas of humanity. you give
the man money, he gives you a drink.
no waiting a week, no signing some
bull shit documents, no fucking
internet options to search through.
that being said, i'm gonna fuck the
system, and then make my own.

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania