Christmas is today just as
yesterday wasn't Christmas
just as tomorrow isn't the
Fourth of July or Easter.
And on Christmas I saw
my aunt and all she could
say was how skinny I was
and how skinny my girlfriend
"Any thinner and you'll
be a zipper," she said.
Whatever the fuck that
And I tried to explain to all
4'2 180 pounds of her that
maybe we are the norm and
she should make friends with
a nice treadmill or some guy
who works at that rock climbing
village next to the mall.
I do a lot of explaining
in my head.
It's not important to remember
that my stomach ached while
writing this at 6 pm Christmas
"Next person that puts me on
trial for accusations of being
too skinny I'm gonna punch
em' in the gut," I thought.
Rather, I explained.